Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Stories from the road

Driving from Boston to CT and back each week has been an eye opener for me in terms of how terrible most people drive.  Not quite sure when a Yield sign became a Stop sign or when staying in your lane became so difficult.  I blame a lot of the driving issues these days on cell phones.  This guy today driving in front of me was fluctuating between 60 mph and 75 mph due to reading a text, then responding.  That also brings me to a similar issue that I would encounter while flying.  As soon as the plane lands everyone jumps on their cell phone to call and tell someone they just landed.  Not sure that is necessary and on a packed plane that can be quite loud and annoying.  The real good times occur when the person decides to get into a fight with their significant other over the phone....in a crowded airplane.  I know that this person doesn't know anyone on the airplane and most likely will never see any of us ever again, but what the heck happened to self-respect and privacy?  I'm pretty sure I need to stop traveling/get off of the road after 8 solid years because I'm really not trying to pull a Seinfeld with observational humor.  It is more of an angry Seinfeld bit with observational anger and annoyance.

Moral of the story - I don't text and drive, since #1 is it extremely dangerous and #2 it is illegal in both MA and CT and should really be illegal in all states.  Plus I don't want the last thing I read before dying in a car accident to be this little gem from one of my buddies:

"Made a bad food decision last night. Had the new Taco Bell Doritos taco and paying for it big time this morning."

1 comment:

  1. There's a special place in hell for the people that drive between MA & CT. I almost got taken out by a semi a couple weeks ago.
    On another note, that Dorito shell is amazing.
