Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Holy Schnikes

I'm in the Men's Room rocking a #1 this morning when a dude comes in, heads to the stall and immediately plants himself down without any preparation.  Guy didn't even roll out some TP to wipe down the seat, let alone line it with TP or EVEN BETTER, pull out one of the toilet seat liners that are stationed behind the toilet.  I don't understand that mentality in the least bit.  You have some guys who go into the stall and whiz with the seat down and get some spray on there.  Each time I use a stall I probably spend more time creating my seat of cleanliness than I did on my 6th grade egg drop project.  You do the TP wipe of the seat, then line the seat with TP and throw the toilet seat liner on top of that.  Anything less would be uncivilized, right Sir Charles?


  1. We were raised to be germaphobes. Dad bought me toilet seat liners to carry in my backpack in high school.

    1. I was just informed by your Father that Jr., should have been carrying toilet seat liners the time in Boston when her uncle(s) took her to the public potty!!!

  2. I blame you for not supplying your toddler with toilet seat covers. It is hard to believe I wasn't put into foster care after that incident.

  3. Apparently Herself had not mastered the squat-hover by age 3.

  4. Toilets were cleaner in those days, especially the ones in JP convenience stores.
