Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Don't Want to Ride My Bicycle

Two posts in one day because I fell asleep while it was practically still light out last night and skipped a day.

I was up at 5:30 this morning to peddle my stationary bike.  It is a really satisfying activity.  I've been going to bed in work out clothes and leaving my sneakers by the bike and yet each morning I look over at the machine that is literally a foot from my bed and think, "Too far."  Today I got up and suffered through the indignity of a screen that read "SPEED UP" for large stretches of my self-induced punishment.  I have a friend who is super into health/fitness and recently mentioned that she wakes up at 3:45am to exercise.  The middle of the night.  Now that I understand what goes into having defined abs, I feel more confident than ever with my decision to live as a functioning flab farm.

Anyway, I've been sticking with the 5:30 bike rides to nowhere for a few weeks and as a result, I am way more tired than is appropriate or acceptable.  I've been quasi-sleeping on the T to and from work.  And then I get home and hit the sack embarrassingly early.  When double sessions kick in this summer so I can zip my bridesmaid dress, I am definitely going to have to start napping in the office.

1 comment:

  1. You need to start drinking coffee or partaking in caffeine ingestion.
