Thursday, May 17, 2012

Losing my mind

Took me 1 hour and 5 minutes, out of the 1 hour and 32 minute run-time to realize that I had seen the movie I was currently watching, Haywire.  What the crap....Alzheimers at the age of 30?  Pretty sad I'll never get that 1 hour and 5 minutes back.  Unlike the times I've purposely watched episodes of The Office (UK version), Arrested Development, Trailer Park Boys or Parks and Rec over and over again, this was an accident and not an enjoyable one (such as ripping one by accident in public and although knowing the sound was loud, feeling good about the fact that the smell is minimal and the humidity in my drawers is non-existent).

A solid radio station had its last day on the air today, WFNX.  Apparently the tolerance for Stone Temple Pilots, Pearl Jam, Soundgarden, Alice in Chains and Nirvana is very low in Boston these days.  Not sure why 90s grunge and alt rock was considered by many and the media as music no one cares for these days.  I enjoy all music except country, but most of the alt rock bands of today blow.  The newest 2 bands I've listened to are Kings of Leon and The Killers and they aren't new at all anymore.

Speaking of losses, I'm sure Trish was devastated once she heard Donna Summer died.  Trish was a big Donna fan and I heard a lot of her tunes over the years.

Call me David Letterman, cause I really phoned it in big time with this blog.

1 comment:

  1. so sad when Donna S., died. owned many of her records, YES I said "records". RIP Donna Summer. Disco will never die (you can quote me)
