Wednesday, October 17, 2012


This AV Club post confirms that Ben Schwartz is joining the new season of "Arrested Development."  So that is delightful.

I spent a chunk of my day yesterday listening to a couple of Louis Prima songs over and over again.  I started out with "Pennies from Heaven" and moved on to "I Wanna Be Like You" from The Jungle Book.  Then I took a small detour into non-Prima Jungle Book songs, particularly focusing on "Colonel Haith's March" because I love the elephant scenes.  The music from The Jungle Book is outstanding, which is no surprise since it was written by the Sherman brothers, who also wrote the music for Mary PoppinsMary Poppins is one of my very favorite movies.  It really deserves its own post.

Anyhow, here's a happy tune that captures my exuberance at the Schwartz/AD news:

1 comment:

  1. So now you are neglecting to email me important news so I have to navigate to the blog to find out (in hopes I blog afterwards)? In the wods of the infamous Ross Gelhar, "FINE BY ME!"
