Thursday, June 7, 2012

E.T. Phone Home

I have no doubt that iPhones and other other smart phones are entertaining and handy, but I'm still surprised by the number of folks who have them.  Last weekend I was with nine ladies and I was the only one without a smart phone.  My group wasn't representative of the general population of cell phone users, about 50% of whom have smart phones, but smart phone proliferation is undeniable. So what is my deal?  Am a a troglodyte, a tightwad, all of the above?

If I could get an iPhone with my current plan, I might consider it.  I love my iMac and iPod-- Apple hasn't let me down yet.  But smart phones require more expensive cell phone plans, which is where they lose me.  Being able to check email, Facebook, and generally dink around online at all times is not worth doubling my cell bill each month.  And what's worse, I have come to associate smart phones with their sometimes loathsome owners, who are often unable to focus on face-to-face interactions.  People playing on their phones when they are with a group of people has skyrocketed to the top of my list of pet peeves.  In the words of Stephanie Tanner, "How Rude!"

I am in favor of having a cell phone.  I lived with a cell and no house phone for eight years.  They are great for emergencies.  I think my parents should invest in a couple of cell phones.  I just haven't been sold on smart phones yet.  I'm riding the old school, my phone is just a phone, wave for a while longer.  I'm also riding the tube (non-flat screen) TV wave.  Here I am surfing on my awesome technology decisions.

Zack Morris and I have the same cell phone.

1 comment:

  1. I felt much the same about smartphones until I got an iPhone three years ago. My attitude was that I wanted two functions from a phone: the ability to make and receive telephone calls and the ability to send and receive text messages.

    I only got an iPhone because it was time for my annual phone upgrade and I also wanted a new and larger iPod. Ergo, an iPhone was a no-brainer since it allows me to consolidate devices. I immediately found that it was vastly more useful than I had anticipated.

    I'm not that heavy a user of data, really, and only use a few apps regularly, but those I do use I use a lot: particularly Google Maps and MLB At Bat, which is my normal method of keeping track of how many the Red Sox are losing by.

    People constantly playing with their phones whilst out with other people drives me insane, especially when you're trying to talk to them and they insist on arguing with you because they've only heard about 30% of what you said. One of our friends here will not stop dicking around with his phone, even when doing 70mph in the fast lane. How he hasn't had a major accident can only be some sort of miracle.
