Friday, April 25, 2014

My Decade

I went to Maine to see my parents and celebrate Easter last weekend.  I had a lovely visit with them and with my nana.  While I was at their house, I became addicted to an '80s music station that is part of my parents' cable package.  My dad was irritated that I turned on a plasma TV (notoriously expensive to run, according to him) to listen to old tunes.  We had a discussion about "our music" and he thought it was peculiar that I identified the '80s as my musical decade.  I guessed that he would pick the '70s as that is the decade in which his teen years occurred, but he also chose the '80s.  Although my mum is a serious disco enthusiast (we listened to The Bee Gees in her car while I was home), I think she would choose the '80s as well.  Another advantage of having young parents-- we all know the lyrics from every song that blasted out of our silver boombox* in the Reagan era.**  Anyhow, it occurred to me this morning that my work day would probably be more enjoyable if I listened to some '80s music at my desk.  I've been tuned to "Best of the 80s on SKY.FM" and I genuinely think it has improved the day.  It doesn't hurt that today is Friday either.

*At this point, mentioning the silver boombox is purely for my own entertainment.  The silver boombox is to this blog as the spider and grasshopper are to Little Critter books.  (The following illustration is from Just Me and My Dad by Mercer Mayer.  I loved those books and I had a "just me and my dad" moment last weekend when The Boss and I took my parents' dog for a walk.  I am not an outside gal, but the weather was perfect, the bugs weren't out yet, and we had a nice chat and stroll on their quiet country road.)

** The Dude and I saw President Reagan at Westover Air Reserve Base with our grandparents and mother.  I decided to bring my BFF/stuffed animal Tippy with me to see the president.  Tippy is a ginormous stuffed puppet dog, and the Secret Service nearly didn't let me in because of her.  Fortunately she went through the metal detector without a problem.

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