Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Prove It

I just hopped onto the Blood Type Calculator to make sure that The Dude wasn't switched at birth.  (That would have been rich since he looks like a perfect combination of my parents.  Clarification-- the combination is perfect, not The Dude's looks.  He's a good looking fellow, but there's no need to refer to a sibling's appearance as perfect.  Am I overly worried about sibling creepiness because I'm reading Game of Thrones?  Perhaps.  Final digression-- a very lovely young lady started talking to me about Game of Thrones last night when she saw me reading it on the T.  My first thought was that I should lend the book to The Dude and he can spend his evenings holding it up very conspicuously on the Orange Line until he connects with the pretty gal.  I'm a good sister when I'm not trying to prove that my brother may have been switched at birth.)  Anyhow, with one parent an A and the other a B, my AB+ type seemed a logical conclusion.  It has been ages since I studied biology and I couldn't remember how an O is produced.  Well, it turns out that my parents could have had a kid with every single blood type, so I can't rule The Dude out of my bio family because of his O+ blood type.

While I'm discussing the ultra fascinating topic of blood types (so hot right now!), I would like to state that as AB+ is the "universal recipient," I want my family to be very selective about my donors if I am ever in a crisis situation.  Don't tell me that they go to the blood banks before soliciting donations from friends and family.  I want the good stuff.

Also, bummer for The Dude, who is absolutely ravaged by mosquitoes when he steps out into nature/our parents' yard.  Turns out mosquitoes are attracted to O-type blood.  (My distaste for puns is outweighing my desire conclude this post with a Ron Weasley quote.)

1 comment:

  1. How come when I walk around playgrounds with 50 Shades of Grey all the Mom's give me a funny look?
