Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Sleeping Fugly

Hard to believe that I haven't been blogging more when work is crazy busy and my time at home is spent primarily with cats.  I decided to forgo my regular afternoon iced coffee today and am paying for that horrible decision right now.  I am well on my way to a Jessie Spano-level caffeine addiction.

I have been lucky to enjoy a couple of really fun family functions in the last few weeks.  The first was my cousin's wedding, where I got to catch up with a lot of my mum's family.  The wedding was an absolute blast.  The bride looked crazy gorgeous, the groom looked extra handsome, and they both seemed to enjoy every minute of the day/night.  My uncle was the officiant and totally nailed the funny and sweet ceremony.  The Dude delivered the performance of a lifetime with a personalized "This Is How We Do It" at the reception.  And I had danced my feet bloody by the time the night was over.  Success.  Then I spent last Saturday with most of my dad's family celebrating another cousin's 21st birthday at my uncle and aunt's lake house.  On the drive up I said I had no interest in jet ski shenanigans and then I managed to score four rides on said jet ski and one being yanked behind it on an inner tube.  After a day on the water, we sat around a campfire and watched fireworks.  Again, good times.  These events have motivated me to try to organize a family vacation that I am hoping will not fizzle and die in the planning stage.  At the very least, I've gotten laughs out of some emails.  Today my newly-21-year-old cousin Z christened our hypothetical trip "[Family Name] Cruiseapalooza Jam '13."  We can't let that name go to waste, so the Cruiseapalooza planning continues.

But first a nap.

1 comment:

  1. Been a busy summer and early fall, Herself. I've been MIA for almost a month, so its game time now. Going to catch up and read your blogs today before my next work meeting, then get inspired and blog later today.

    Agreed - wedding was awesome and Camp PMAN was awesome.
