Monday, June 23, 2014

The New Roof Is Here! The New Roof Is Here!

Call me The Jerk because I am beyond jazzed about the impending arrival of my brand-spanking-new roof.  The roofers start tomorrow.  I borrowed towels from Ryan and USteve months ago when a waterfall became an unwanted feature in my home.  Even though the leaking tapered off after having some repair work done, I did not dare to give back the towels as I was sure returning them would be a jinx that would lead to another flood from above.  So as summer officially began this past Saturday, Ryan and USteve continued to live sans beach towels.  The good news is that they will have their towels back very soon, and they won't be forced to drip dry next month at Journey's End.  Happy news all around!

For those who do not care about roof updates, I have this solid gold article for you:

"Quack, Quack, Quack: An Oral History of the Mighty Ducks Trilogy"

For my taste, this article doesn't feature enough cast commentary.  Interviewed Ducks include Spazway/Charlie Conway, Averman, Fulton Reed, Guy Germaine, Connie Moreau, and Cake Eater/Adam Banks.  Emilio Estevez declined to comment!  WHAT THE?!  Also no Greg Goldberg or any of the new additions from D2.  Still, Ryan and I were fully obsessed with these movies so I enjoyed the article.  And I am kind of dying to watch the beginning to D2 right now where they roller blade around Minneapolis reassembling the team.  I'm busting out that DVD tonight.  And in the mean time-- Youtube is a wonderful thing.


  1. Congrats on the new roof!

    I enjoyed that Ducks article - good post.

    Love a bunch of teenagers rollerblading for miles and miles across a city and multiple cities in that clip above.

  2. Great to hear that! Things are probably going well for you right now, with that leaky problem plugged out permanently, we so hope. Anyway, the new roof should uphold or enhance the structural integrity of your home, as well as simply be a sea change. Eitherway, it's all good.

    Pleasance Faast @ Shelton Roofing
