Tuesday, May 29, 2012


I'm grateful that The Dude is keeping the blog afloat.  I'm too tired to write about an embarrassing and/or traumatic childhood experience tonight.  So I'll throw out a few recommendations and close up shop.

1) The Judge John Hodgman podcast

You know The Judge from his stint as a PC on Mac commercials, from his segments on "The Daily Show," or (less likely) from the canceled HBO program "Bored to Death."  He mediates weird disputes and he makes me laugh.

2) Karl Pilkington programs

I've been watching a lot of "The Ricky Gervais Show" and "An Idiot Abroad."  When I first started listening to Karl on podcasts I thought he was a character.  And not in the Nana D "he's a character" way.  Rather, I thought his ignorance was an act.  I am becoming increasingly convinced that this strange dude is real.  He makes me laugh.

3) Final recommendation-- Don't watch We Bought a Zoo.  I didn't think Cameron Crowe and Matt Damon would let me down.  I was wrong.  Instead you should revisit Say Anything or Almost Famous for Crowe or this Eurotrip clip for Damon.  (Okay, he's been in better movies, but this clip cracks me up.  Mostly because The Dude and I were so shocked to see him show up in the movie when we rented it, but also because the song is undeniably catchy.)

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