Thursday, May 24, 2012

She's Got a Wang On

Probably the best scene from a little known but excellent movie.  I can't believe Coupe de Ville still isn't available on DVD.  You'd think that Patrick Dempsey's "McDreamy" fame would lead to the distribution of this classic.

Daniel Stern's involvement in this flick, the Home Alone movies, and "The Wonder Years" has earned him my undying love.  If his narration in the final few minutes of "The Wonder Years" doesn't get to you, you're made of stone.

Anyway, do your best to see Coupe de Ville.  It is worth the effort.

1 comment:

  1. Ah, "The Wonder Years". Unavailable on DVD and otherwise unseen, at least in the UK, for 20 years or so, I almost cried after we moved to the US and I found the entire series is available on Netflix.
