Thursday, April 11, 2013

I Heart You, Tina Fey

After I FINALLY made my way through the fifth A Song of Ice and Fire book, I decided that I was ready for some lighter reading.  It took my half a year to read five of George R. R. Martin's books (I started strong and slowed down during the fourth and fifth books), so I was delighted to cruise through three funny books in just a couple of weeks.

1.  Let's Pretend This Never Happened by Jenny Lawson
My friend L sent me this book last summer right after I started reading Game of Thrones, so it sat on my bookshelf for ages and ages.  I saw L and her lovely daughters in February and promised her that I was finally going to start Let's Pretend This Never Happened.  It was so pleasant to have a breezy, comedic collection of stories to read.  I will say that as a gal who cusses like a sailor, I was actually a little distracted by Lawson's constant swearing.  A well placed f-bomb can slay me, but the language in this book was gratuitous-- with one exception.  During a childhood game of tag, Lawson accidentally ran into a deer carcass that her father was cleaning in their yard.  The experience, which she describes as wearing a deer sweater, caused her to vomit inside the carcass.  Holy smokes, use as many curse words as you'd like in that chapter, Jenny Lawson.

2.  Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? (And Other Concerns) by Mindy Kaling
Mindy Kaling is both a very funny person and a girly-girl.  So I can, at best, relate to her on like 50% of 50% of things.  (I was on the state championship math team, so yeah, I know that would be 25%.)  Kaling's interest in fashion and her frequent references to her "best friend" made me feel like a dude.  Her story about storming out of work and her inclusion of a bunch of cell phone self-portraits confirmed that we have very little in common.  But really, her subject matter was no  more foreign to me than Jenny Lawson's.  I was entertained by both books, so mission accomplished.

3.  Bossypants by Tina Fey
The consensus is that Tina Fey is brilliant and hilarious, right?  I figured this book might be a bit of a let down because I had high expectations.  Well, Mean Girls was super funny, "30 Rock" was one of my favorite shows of the last decade, and Bossypants made me laugh out loud on the T like a weirdo.  (Unprovoked laughter is better than publicly weeping while finishing Tuesdays with Morrie and A Thousand Splendid Suns on public transportation.  Strangers prefer an unhinged train mate to be a jolly nutbag rather than a sloppy sack of gloom.)  In a fantasy world where I could choose a celebrity to be my friend, I think I'd go with Fey.  (Bonus: I'd also score Amy Poehler as a FOAF*.)  Not only is Tina Fey a smart, funny, successful woman, I also imagine that she possesses just the right amount of judginess, which I both relate to and value in a pal.

*Friend of a Friend

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