The little doink below, my cat Neville, ate a $1000 brownie last night. I usually keep all food sealed up in the cabinets, fridge, oven, or microwave because my cats are very interested in human food. Neville takes the interest to a new level-- a level better described as Gremlin-like aggression. Last night I got distracted by the super amazing Halloween decorations that had arrived that day and started looking through them with my mum, who is visiting. When I popped back into the kitchen I discovered that after offering my mother a brownie, I had forgotten to put them back in the microwave for safekeeping. Neville the Devil was scarfing one down on the kitchen floor. The vet emergency line confirmed that I would have to bring him in as chocolate is toxic to cats. At the time I was cursing Nev because just walking into the animal ER costs $150. I soon discovered that my concerns for finances and Neville's health were comically unrealistic. When the veterinarian asked about my wishes for Neville's DNR, I totally lost it. Big time. Then I saw the bill, which was just shocking. As I walked out of the animal hospital, crying like a lunatic, The Dude asked if I was upset because I was worried about Neville or worried about money. The answer was Neville, but the cost of keeping him in the hospital for the night was a punch to the gut as well. Assuming he survives this ordeal, Neville will forever be the piggy whose snacking cost me a grand.
I haven't seen you "bawling" in years until that night. God, good think that wasn't Luna, or I would be right there with you.