I lost power for a harrowing 45 minutes tonight. No TV, no internet, no fans or AC, and of course no lights. The lights were of little consequence. As a child of The Boss, I'm used to functioning in the near dark to save 64 cents on the electricity bill. Plus, I enjoy candle light. The downside was that having candles sparked up in multiple locations provided the cats with some close calls. I don't usually have candles in my bedroom and both dopes nearly lit themselves on fire jumping onto my bureau tonight.
Might be time for a new cell phone. I don't need any bells and whistles, but my current phone holds a charge for all of half an hour of talk time. I had to make some decisions about a summer rental tonight and I needed a juiced cell. I found a place with four nights available during my vacation week, but I don't think I can get the last-minute logistics together with traveling, pet sitting, etc. so I'm not going to pull the trigger. Now I will have something to regret each and every day of my vaca next week.
Dangit! The power went out for a few minutes while I was whining about vacation. New outlook: any place with electricity and without the need to set an alarm each morning will be a delight.
That would be a first world problem right there :-)